Grants Now Available for Reducing Methane Emissions on Dairies
The Alternative Manure Management Program (AMMP) is now accepting grant applications for projects and infrastructure that support dry handling of manure and other methods to reduce methane emissions on dairies and other livestock operations. Eligible projects include compost creation, dry scrape, solids separators, and conversion to or expansion of pasture-based systems. AMMP is administered by the California Department of Food and Agriculture (CDFA).
Grants can be up to $750,000, and CDFA has announced that they will award a total of approximately $12.5 million.
Applications are due by 5pm PST on May 9, 2022. Learn more and apply here.
Application Support
There are Technical Assistance (TA) providers throughout the state that can support producers with free one-on-one assistance for project design and application preparation. Find the list of TA providers supported by CDFA here, and also check with your local RCD and NRCS offices.
CDFA is hosting informational workshops on March 25, 10-11:15am PST: Register here.
Learn about some of the types of projects AMMP funds by checking out our Farmer Climate Leader profiles. Interested in learning more about past grant rounds? See our recent blog reviewing previous years.