Funding is now available for farmers, ranchers and Tribes to adopt new healthy soils practices and update irrigation equipment.
This year we saw record funding for two of the state’s Climate Smart Agriculture Programs: $75 million for the Healthy Soils Program & $50 million for the State Water Efficiency and Enhancement Program (SWEEP), both housed at the California Department of Food and Agriculture (CDFA). Both programs are currently accepting and funding applications on a rolling basis until funds run out, so be sure to submit your application as soon as you can. CDFA will post periodic updates on how much funding has been requested on their program webpages.
The Healthy Soils Program
Incentive Grants
The Healthy Soils Program (HSP) incentive grants funds the adoption of new practices or expansion of existing practices onto new acreage that improve soil health, reduce greenhouse gas emissions and sequester carbon, like mulching, cover cropping, applying compost and more. Grants are available for up to $100,000 per project and fund these practices for three years. If you have already received a HSP grant, you can apply again for a different, new practice or expand existing practices onto different land.
California farmers, ranchers and Federal and state-recognized Tribes are eligible to apply and must either lease, own or control the fields where the practices will be adopted for the three years of the grant period. HSP Incentives have been allocated $67.5 million this year and the applications will be accepted and scored on a rolling basis – applications that meet the minimum score will be funded on a first-come-first-serve basis until February 25, 2022 or total funds are expended.
Learn more and apply on CDFA’s website here.
Note: Technical Assistance Providers (TAPs) are available to support farmers, ranchers and Tribes in applying for and implementing these projects for free. Find the list for incentive grants here.
Demonstration Grants
HSP Demonstration grants also fund the adoption of new healthy soils practices and focus on facilitating farmer-to-farmer knowledge sharing through field days and other education and outreach events.
Non-profit, University of California Cooperative Extension (UCCE), Federal and state-recognized Tribes, city and community colleges, Resource Conservation Districts (RCDs), Federal and University Experiment Stations, in collaboration with farmers and ranchers are eligible to apply. There are two types of demo projects: Type A projects must collect greenhouse gas emissions field data and co-benefit data for specified practices for which an approved greenhouse gas quantification methodology is not currently available, in addition to conducting outreach events. Type A grants are available up to $250,000. Type B projects need to only conduct outreach to other farmer and ranchers. Type B grants are available up to $100,000.
Applications are due by 5pm PST on December 31, 2021. Unlike the incentives program, demonstration projects will not be evaluated on a rolling basis, but on a competitive basis after the deadline passes.
Read more and apply on CDFA’s website here.
State Water Efficiency & Enhancement Program (SWEEP)
SWEEP provides funding to update irrigation systems to save water and reduce greenhouse gas emissions by replacing inefficient pumps, installing variable frequency drives, soil moisture monitoring systems and more. Grants are available up to $200,000 and the grant lasts two years. If you have already received a SWEEP grant, you can apply again for a different project on a different parcel of land, but your total awards from SWEEP cannot exceed $600,000.
California farmers, ranchers and Federal and state-recognized Tribes are eligible to apply. Between $43-45 million will be awarded this year and the applications will be accepted and scored on a rolling basis – applications that meet the minimum score will be funded on a first-come-first-serve basis until January 18, 2022 or total funds are expended.
Note: TAPs are available to support farmers, ranchers and Tribes in applying for and implementing these projects for free. Find the list for SWEEP grants here.
Upcoming Workshops:
Tehama County RCD
Wednesday November 10 • 9am-12pm
Tehama County Agricultural Commission, 1834 Walnut St. Red Bluff
TA Contact: Kevin Greer • 530-727-1297 •
Sonoma Resource Conservation District (RCD) and Farm Bureau
Thursday November 18 • 10-11:30am
Virtual • Register here.
TA Contact: Keith Abeles • • 707-569-1448 ext 112
CDFA will be updating workshops provided by TAPs on their website:
HSP Incentive grants.
HSP – Incentive Grants
November 18 • 9-11am PST
December 16 • 9-11am PST
January 20, 2022 • 9-11am PST
All webinars are virtual • Register here
HSP – Demonstration Grants
November 18 • 1-3pm PST
December 2 • 1-3pm PST
All webinars are virtual • Register here
November 4 • 9-11am PST
Register here.
November 15 • 1-3pm PST
Register here.