Agriculture Must Be Included in Economic Recovery Investments

Posted on Wednesday, August 5th, 2020 by Becca Lucas
Photo credit: Tine Reynolds

State legislative leaders and Governor Newsom are considering how the state can assist communities in recovering from the coronavirus pandemic. As these conversations get underway, it is important to lift up food and agriculture solutions that promote economic recovery by creating food and agriculture jobs that deliver healthy food for all Californians, especially those most vulnerable to food insecurity. We are urging our elected representatives to support the Healthy Soils Program and the Housing for the Harvest Program:

The Healthy Soils Program is very popular with farmers, ranchers and the Californians they feed. In June, more than 300 growers received Healthy Soils grants but almost 600 farmers applied. Many farmers are using Healthy Soils grants to try new practices like compost, cover crops, and hedgerow plantings that not only build carbon sinks but also reduce chemical use and protect air and water quality, all while investing in local communities. The Healthy Soils Program turns farm-based climate solutions into rural jobs and farm viability.

Launched in July by Governor Newsom, Housing for the Harvest is a new program that offers temporary hotel housing to agricultural workers who need to isolate due to COVID-19. This program will help both those who have tested positive or those who have been exposed protect not only their loved ones, but their coworkers as well, by providing a safe space to isolate. Ongoing investments in housing solutions for overcrowded farmworker housing to avoid the spread of the coronavirus and improve conditions for these essential workers is necessary. As of right now, the program will focus on the Central Valley, Central Coast and Imperial Valley regions. We support the expansion of Housing for the Harvest to include all agricultural counties in the state.

Your voice matters.


Can you take a few minutes today to email your state Senator and Assemblymember, and Governor Newsom, and ask them to make economic recovery investments in food and agriculture? Let your elected representatives know that you support the Healthy Soils Program and the Housing for the Harvest program.

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