Speak out for California’s “Climate Smart” farmers and ranchers:
Call your State Senator today!
The California Senate will soon vote on a bill that will improve farmer access to the state’s Climate Smart Agriculture programs.
Legislators pay attention to phone calls from their constituents. You can make a difference.
Can you call your state Senator today? It only takes a minute to leave a message like this:
“My name is _________ and I am calling from [town/city]. I’m calling to urge the Senator to vote for AB 2377.
The bill improves technical assistance for farmers doing Climate Smart Agricultural practices.”
AB 2377 provides a source of secure and ongoing funding for these technical services and will unleash the potential of farms across California for delivering climate solutions. Hear José Robles’ story here.
Find your Senator here and click through for their Capitol office phone number.
Let us know what you hear — drop us a line: info@calclimateag.org.
What Does AB 2377 Do?
AB 2377 requires that 5 percent, or no more than $5 million, of the annual budgets for three Climate Smart Agriculture Programs through the California Department of Agriculture—the State Water Efficiency and Enhancement Program (SWEEP), Alternative Manure Management Program (AMMP), and Healthy Soils Program—be used to establish a Technical Assistance Fund.
Eligible applicants to the fund include Resource Conservation Districts, Cooperative Extension and nonprofits. They can receive up to $100,000 annually for up to three years to support farmer applicants to the programs with outreach, project design, application assistance, and project implementation.
Importantly, AB 2377 prioritizes technical assistance for small and moderately-scaled farms and ranches and requires at least 25 percent of the technical assistance funds be provided to socially disadvantaged farmers and ranchers, as defined by the Farmer Equity Act.
California’s Climate Smart Agriculture programs provide important financial resources to encourage farmers and ranchers to adopt farm management practices that will reduce greenhouse gas emissions and increase carbon sequestration to help meet the state’s 2030 greenhouse gas emissions reduction target.
For more information about the bill click here.